Legacy of the Valiant - TCG Exclusive (Completo)
Como dice el título, ya salio el SPOILER COMPLETO de las 10 TCG exclusive que vendrían incluidas en el próximo set para el TCG: Legacy of the Valiant. KONAMI esta vez nos ha dado una verdadera sorpresa dándonos un nuevo Synchro genérico de nivel 6 bastante bueno que sin duda alguna sería un reemplazo ideal para Gaia Synchro. Asimismo, un nuevo Bujngi y un nuevo Gravekeeper con un Art similar al antagonista Bakura bastante bueno entre muchas otras. El resto, lo podrán ver en la entrada.
Hace poco, también redacte una entrada con el listado de las 10 cartas que se importarían del OCG a la versión americana de Legacy of the Valiant. Si desean ver cuales han sido las OCG IMPORTS de Legacy of the Valiant pueden hacerlo AQUÍ.
When this card destroys an opponent’s monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can excavate the top card of your Deck, and if it is a Plant-Type monster, send it to the Graveyard. Otherwise, place it on the bottom of your Deck. If this card is excavated from the Deck and sent to the Graveyard by a card effect: You can add this card from your Graveyard to your hand.
Sylvan Mikorange
When this card you control is destroyed by your opponent’s card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: You can excavate the top card of your Deck, and if it is a Plant-Type monster, send it to the Graveyard. Otherwise, place it on the bottom of your Deck. If this card is excavated from the Deck and sent to the Graveyard by a card effect: All Plant-Type monsters you currently control gain 300 ATK and DEF.
Ghostrick Yeti
Cannot be Normal Summoned, unless you control a “Ghostrick” monster. Once per turn: You can change this card to face-down Defense Position. When this card is flipped face-up: You can target 1 “Ghostrick” monster on the field; this turn, it cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects.
Bujingi Pavo
When a Beast-Warrior type “Bujin” monster you control is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: You can discard this card from your hand to the Graveyard; Special Summon 1 “Bujin” monster from your Deck. You can only use the effect of Bujingi Pavo once per turn.
This card on the field is unaffected by all other card effects, as long as “Necrovalley” is also on the field.
While equipped with a “Noble Arms” Equip Spell Card, this card becomes DARK and its Level is increased by 1. When this card is sent to the Graveyard while equipped with a “Noble Arms” Equip Spell Card: Target 1 “Noble Arms” card in your Graveyard; add that target to your hand.
You can target 1 “Noble Knight” monster you control; equip this card from your hand or Graveyard to that target. You can only use this effect of “Gwenhwyfar, Queen of Noble Arms” once per turn. The equipped monster gains 300 ATK. Apply the appropriate effect, depending on the Attribute of the equipped monster.
●LIGHT: If the equipped monster would be destroyed by a card effect, you can destroy this card instead.
●DARK: If the equipped monster battles an opponent’s monster, at the start of the Damage Step: You can destroy that monster, then destroy this card.
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned: This turn, this card cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects, also you take no damage.
If you control no monsters: Special Summon 3 Level 2 or lower Beast-Type Effect Monsters with different names from your Deck. Their effects are negated, and they are destroyed during the End Phase.. If you activate this card, you cannot Special Summon for the rest of this turn, except Beast-Type monsters.
Special Summon this card as an Effect Monster (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 6/ATK 1000/DEF 2400). (This card is also still a Trap Card.) If Summoned this way: You can discard 1 card, then declare 1 Attribute; this card becomes that Attribute, and can be treated as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a monster with the same Attribute as this card. While this card is treated as a monster, you cannot Special Summon monsters, except monsters with this card’s Attribute.
Con esto terminaría la entrada de hoy. Les recuerdo para todos aquellos que deseen comprar su display de Legacy of the Valiant, que el mismo saldrá a la venta este próximo 24 de Enero. Cabe resaltar que este es una de las mejores expansiones que han salido hasta ahora, ya que trae el soporte definitivo que tanto esperaba el Deck Bujin, introduce al nuevo arquetipo planta, Sylvan; e incluye a los que a mi parecer son los mejores Xyz de rango 4 génericos: Number 101: Silent Honor ARK y Evilswarm Exciton Knight.
Uso este post para poder preguntarle algo , se que es de Perú igual que yo .Sabe en donde podría comprar cartas sueltas ? Quiero armar un mazo harpías pero casi no encuentro las cartas que necesito
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